Sunday, January 1, 2012


evidently when you buy a SLR camera, people think you know what you are doing. they will then ask you to take pictures for them, weddings, christmas cards, special events...... here are a few of my photos of people that think i know what i am doing.....

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this is one of my god-kids. i love him like my own and he always makes me smile. all he wanted to do was tell me a story...

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this is my cousin, about 30 min before her wedding. i was the only one allowed to take photos of her at this moment. she was so worried that certain people wouldn't show up she hid in a room and spied out the window to see who was present.....

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a close friend wanted my wife and i to roll with her to the beach. we are old. her and her friend are young.  i took my camera just in case, just to keep my busy. some amazing shots were made just following her and her friends walking down the beach....

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an amazing family, that i would call my family. for some reason they think i can shoot. he is an amazing guy, dad and teacher. he has taught me most of what i know about cameras, and photography. we were in redlands, taking photos for their christmas card. this was actually my first "photo shoot"...

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this is their kiddo. enough said...

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finally, two friends that just invited me to their wedding. it was in april in so cal. the day before was a beautiful 70 degree day, a storm came in during the night, and dumped about 4 inches of snow! it malted and turned out to be a beautiful wedding. this was my first wedding i have ever taken photos at. i wasnt the paid photographer so i just stayed out of the way....

1 comment:

  1. I'm not partial or anything but picture 5 is my favorite! Bueno's wedding is awesome as well.
